As much as the Tom Morris story is a mess of half-truths and speculation, surely you have to see his quotes to you are from the perspective of a player taking to a passionate Hawthorn supporting production. He couldn’t very well say to you “well look as much as I love it here I’d be open to leaving”.
No player could come and do that on a pro-Hawks podcast.
Anything is possible. I have over 1200 employees and I know and understand that everyone is loyal and would never leave...until they do. Unsurprising and totally expected. People look out for #1 and put everything else second. Completely reasonable. Supporters are uber loyal but the stakes for us are pretty low. Players have a limited life and stakes are high, their loyalty is highly conditional. This is just human nature and understandable.
Surely we'd consider it if someone's offering two first rounders.
Side note: my pic says "author" but I am not the author of this piece.
I think Tom Morris is a malakas what you guys think????
Spider Everett chance 3 clubs to win a premiership but dint manège lol
As much as the Tom Morris story is a mess of half-truths and speculation, surely you have to see his quotes to you are from the perspective of a player taking to a passionate Hawthorn supporting production. He couldn’t very well say to you “well look as much as I love it here I’d be open to leaving”.
No player could come and do that on a pro-Hawks podcast.
Anything is possible. I have over 1200 employees and I know and understand that everyone is loyal and would never leave...until they do. Unsurprising and totally expected. People look out for #1 and put everything else second. Completely reasonable. Supporters are uber loyal but the stakes for us are pretty low. Players have a limited life and stakes are high, their loyalty is highly conditional. This is just human nature and understandable.