Well you got the ins and outs pretty right (the real prediction, not your preferred). And once again, as noted, poor old Hartley has been overlooked in favour of O'Brien. That is just so insulting. I admit, he looks pretty average, but why did we keep him on the list an extra season if he's rated so poorly. To paraphrase Jed Clampett (for those old enough to remember) - if TOB gets a game ahead of you, Clarko rates you lower than a snake's belly in a wheel rut!
8 ins ??? Been following the hawks a while and can never remember 8 ins - ever!
This team may be comparable to the wooden spoon 1965 team in some ways.
It was the end of an era coming off 1961, and 1963 and then 1964 where a last kick of the game loss to Melbourne in R17 was the difference between finishing on top and fifth place and no finals for the Hawks.
Well you got the ins and outs pretty right (the real prediction, not your preferred). And once again, as noted, poor old Hartley has been overlooked in favour of O'Brien. That is just so insulting. I admit, he looks pretty average, but why did we keep him on the list an extra season if he's rated so poorly. To paraphrase Jed Clampett (for those old enough to remember) - if TOB gets a game ahead of you, Clarko rates you lower than a snake's belly in a wheel rut!
8 ins ??? Been following the hawks a while and can never remember 8 ins - ever!
This team may be comparable to the wooden spoon 1965 team in some ways.
It was the end of an era coming off 1961, and 1963 and then 1964 where a last kick of the game loss to Melbourne in R17 was the difference between finishing on top and fifth place and no finals for the Hawks.
Hi Frank..it won’t happen as Clarko traditionally doesn’t like to make more than 3-4 changes max..however it might be time soon