A disturbing story, to be sure. It would be good to know if the experience of other Indigenous players and their partners/wives matched this - not just at Hawthorn but more broadly. It is troubling to reflect on the reaction of the Hawthorn leadership group to Cyril's concerns. Tough questions need to be asked of those individuals - some of whom are doubtless beloved ex-or even current players. It is a tough spot to be in any workplace - to call out your bosses and colleagues for unethical, discriminatory or illegal behavior/acts. It would beneficial to hear what mechanisms have been put in place by Hawthorn to hear and act on these issues and the protective measures in place to ensure zero retribution. This is not just related to Indigenous but also other areas of potential intolerance/discrimination e.g. homophobia and sexism. Lastly - everyone who booed Adam Goodes and is now "piling in" on Kennett should do a little soul searching. Jeff must go - his words and actions were foolish and disrespectful - but his departure is not 100% of the solution - for the club or even for the community as a whole. This is a larger issue.

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If 12 months ago Kennett was to tell you that he was going to get rid of the best coach in the game and in doing so we would have to part with a million dollars you'd have him up for psychiatric assessment. Yet here we are with his sycophants saying it's all 'political'.

Move on Jeff, you were great for a period but it's time for Silk to take over.

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