VALE: Phineas Meere
We've lost one of our own, an Insider that represents everything that we are about
On 20 May 2021, Hawks Insiders published its very first article on Substack.
“Share this far and wide with your Hawks supporting family and friends, because the more resources we have, the more Hawthorn content you’ll receive.”
On 21 May 2021, Phineas Meere (@1Phineasmaximus) on X paid for an annual subscription to this platform (one of our first ever subscribers) and he has remained a paying subscriber ever since.
Over the past three years plus, Phin contributed weekly to our Wednesday night Safe Space - listening in and adding comments, thoughts and questions in the comments section throughout each broadcast.
He was a valuable contributor and bled brown and gold.
Phin also commented on many of our articles, posts, Tweets, was quick on the like button on X, and engaged with many of us directly through our personal accounts.
He came to our inaugural Live Panel Show at the Glenferrie Hotel in March and continued to not only support us, but become one of us.
We knew Phin, got to know Phin, through our collaborated mediums - using Hawthorn as the connecting bond.
And while individually the Insiders didn’t know him all that well personally, the news that he passed away last week has come as a shock to us - we have truly lost one of our own.
Because Phin represents everything that we set up the Hawks Insiders for. To provide the very best brown and gold content to a curated family of Hawthorn fans.
To engage with you, get to know you, go on a journey together with you. To form new friendships that otherwise would never have been borne. To use Hawthorn as a way to form connections with former strangers, and to grow together just by watching our beloved team every week.
Phin is the very reason we do what we do. You all are. And we are truly grateful for you all.
It has been amazing to see so many people post about Phin on his social media channels in the past 24 hours and heartwarming to get to know a bit more about him - albeit under the worst of circumstances.
VALE Phin. And thanks for being part of our community.
Very sad to hear the news, sympathy to family and friends, wishing truly all the best
I was lucky enough to work with Phin. We both shared our love of the Hawks. Myself and his former colleagues are in shock. His personality was infectious. He will be sorely missed. Vale Phin